Civil Engineering
HOD's Desk

Dr. B. S. Patil
Professor and HOD
Dear Parents and Students,
I am very much delighted to welcome you to Smt. Kamala and Sri Venkappa M Agadi College of Engineering and Technology, Lakshmeshwar and Department of Civil Engineering.
Civil engineers are the actual creators of modern world. Civil engineering deals with design and construction of the things that we need to function proficiently as a society. This includes roads, bridges, and many other essential parts of the community. In real meaning, civil engineering may be regarded as the profession that makes the world a more pleasing place in which to live.
Department of civil engineering functioning with a motivation of developing professional and personal skills of students, which make possible them to perform admirably as an well-known engineer in the society. Department provides platform to showcase and sharpen student’s talents through a array of events and activities designed throughout four years, for overall development of students personalities. We keep on our endeavor to organize and guide the students for a variety of competitive exams and interviews so that they act upon better and make their career in the selected fields. Real world problems are blended in the curriculum and these are taught by experts from industry in addition by guest lectures. Our focal point is to efficiently guide our students as civil engineers who can serve the society proficiently, collaboratively and ethically as planners, designers, constructors and operators of the built environment.
Dr. B.S.Patil
Professor and HOD